Digital Poetics 2.10: 6 shapes by Petero Kalulé (petals)

Editor’s note: Sound at edge of poetics, disturbing frame of page, word-tone tilted yield, petals tuned air-way through-and-out, turned back onto itself
shaped done else-wise

piano, bells, shakuhachi, glockenspiel, cello, small gong


Petero Kalulé (petals) is a composer, poet, and multi-instrumentalist. They live on the hidden river Effra in London. Their first collection Kalimba was published by Guillemot Press in 2019. They have recently written Marsh-River-Raft-Feather in collaboration with Clarissa Álvarez also published by Guillemot Press. You can find more of their music here:


The moral right of the author has been asserted. However, the Hythe is an open-access journal and we welcome the use of all materials on it for educational and creative workshop purposes.


Digital Poetics 2.11: Bit depths by Laurel Uziell


Digital Poetics 2.9 The Conditions I Went Down On by Colin Leemarshall