the87press hosts Edmund Hardy, Sam Weselowski, Sabeen Chaudhry, Jackqueline Frost, Walt Hunter, and Ishita Uppadhayay.

Edmund Hardy / Namida Red is a writer and filmmaker of mixed Japanese-British heritage. He published a book of experimental philology, Complex Crosses (Contraband Books, 2014). His films — the most recent being ‘A Field of Islands’ (2020) and ‘Red Moon Journey’ (2021) — combine animation, documentary, and dream-like narrative. Every Cruel Thing (Monitor Books, 2021) is his first collection of poetry.

Sam Weselowski is a poet and critic from Vancouver, Canada. He resides in the UK.

Sabeen Chaudhry writes poetry, theory and fiction and is currently completing a PhD at Kingston University on anthropocenic love and computational technologies. She has been published in magazines such as Worms, Gutter and SALT. and in journals such as Chiasma, and Journal for Cultural Research. She regularly collaborates with artists and research networks like Foreign Objekt. She also does research and programming for DEMO Moving Image and co-edits Deleuzine. ig @sabeen.chaudhry

Jackqueline Frost is the author of The Antidote, Young Americans, and The Third Event Parts 1, 2 & 3. A poet and researcher from Lafayette, Louisiana living in Paris, she also co-edits the bilingual poetry magazine, Senna Hoy. Jackqueline is also going to be releasing The Third Event Parts 1-6 with the87press in 2024.

Walt Hunter is the author of Forms of a World: Contemporary Poetry and the Making of Globalization (Fordham 2019). His collection of poetry, Some Flowers, is coming from Madhat Press in May 2022. A new book about public housing and postwar poetry is underway for Oxford University Press. He is also the translator, with Lindsay Turner, of Frédéric Neyrat’s Atopias: Manifesto for a Radical Existentialism (Fordham 2017). He lives in Denver, CO and Clemson, SC, where he teaches at Clemson University.

Ishita Uppadhayay is a writer and third-year English student at King’s College London with interests in public policy, philosophy, and journalism. They are Essays Editor at STRAND Magazine as well as Co-Editor of the King’s Tab.
